There Are Too Many Women Who Want To Be My Woman. Are You Worthy?

Yun Qi stood at the side. He really wanted to say to his boss, "Can you let me play for a while?"

He had clearly said that he would help take care of the child. Why would his boss hold the child?

And a cold man like his boss also knew how to take care of a child?

Could it be that the child that he couldn't save previously had aroused his boss' interest, which was why he took the initiative to hold the child?

Moreover, the most important thing was that this child was actually safe and sound in the Boss' arms. Occasionally, she could even make a squeaking sound. This, this, this was illogical, right?

Was there any child world that was not afraid of the Boss? How could she not be afraid of him?

The Boss' murderous aura was so strong. He had personally seen those seven or eight-year-old children tremble in fear when they saw the Boss. It was really hard to say what to say.
