Time Has Changed

"19, you look so handsome now."

19 put down the mirror in his hand and held his tongue. This was supposed to rub away the scars, but his scars were too long, so he could only redo his entire face. As a man, so what if he had scars on his face? But after he had scared a child for the umpteenth time, he felt that for the sake of Da Bao and Little Treasure's safety in the future, he had to redo his face.

Shen Xiaoxiao wanted him to return to his previous appearance, so that she wouldn't be unable to recognize him in the future. However, 19 didn't feel that it mattered. Furthermore, his current appearance was very similar to before, except that his skin had become much better. If he had been a rough old man in the past, then he would be an exquisite and handsome man now. Furthermore, 19's figure was too good. It would be a pity if he didn't become a model.

"Miss, why don't you give it a try?"