
The casino on the first floor was different from the elegant and quiet casino on the second floor. This place was more realistic and more civilian-like.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at this noisy scene. No matter how many times she looked at it, she would have a different feeling. This place only reflected the tip of Yan Kuan's iceberg. There were more things... even if Shen Xiaoxiao had prepared herself mentally, she would still be shocked.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

Yan Kuan was naturally surprised that Shen Xiaoxiao wasn't saying anything. However, he seemed to have guessed something when he saw Shen Xiaoxiao's eyes. He smiled and said to Shen Xiaoxiao:

"Don't be surprised. These are all yours. I've said it before. My things are all yours."

This was probably what women liked to hear the most. Shen Xiaoxiao admitted that she was a little moved, but underneath that was a hint of fear and sadness.