The Same Ring, His Suspicion

The moment he said the word 'moved', Long Xi was shocked. Why did he say that? What kind of answer did he want to hear after he said it?

In fact, he really wanted to know why Shen Xiaoxiao did not take action when she knew that he had broken into this place. Instead, she allowed him to communicate with her two children. Did she really trust him so much?

No, it was impossible for her to trust him. But why did she do this?

Why was she so bold that she was not afraid of him taking action against her children? This was her children, her own flesh and blood. No mother would be so bold as to hand her children over to the enemy, right? Why was Shen Xiaoxiao so assured?

"Why are you so assured when your children will come into contact with me?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the person who had already stood up from the ground. Moreover, the way he asked this question was very serious. It seemed that he was very puzzled.