Her Return To Power

Shen Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly. She took the wine glass that the waiter beside her handed over and clinked it with Jiang Haoran's.

On the other hand, 19 was left out. However, Jiang Haoran was a well-rounded person. He was so successful in the business world. How could he make people feel uncomfortable?

"Should I call you President Fang? Or 19? Don't say that you look much better than before. Our little girl now treats you as her idol. She says that you're even more handsome than those celebrities."

"President Jiang, you flatter me. You can call me whatever you want. Personally, I think 19 sounds better."

Jiang Haoran understood. After hearing this, he looked at 19 again with certainty. His gaze was sharp and undisguised. 19 knew that this was his boss' brother, so he naturally did not hesitate to let the other party size him up.

"Haoran, who is this lady?"