
The car was soon ready. Jiang Haoran held Shen Xiaoxiao's hand tightly, so as soon as the car arrived, Shen Xiaoxiao and Jiang Haoran walked out together.

The reporters outside rushed to take photos. Of course, the first to bear the brunt were the hands that were still holding on because of the coma.

After his wife passed away, Jiang Haoran had always been clean. Not only that, he didn't have any scandals at all. His reputation in the industry was extremely good.

However, at this moment, it was practically the biggest news of the century. Jiang Haoran actually held the hand of a woman and was carried out of the banquet hall. Not only that, this woman was actually a married man, the latest CEO of the KN Group, the legendary woman that had been rumored to be the talk of the town recently, Shen Xiaoxiao.