Do Not Doubt the Use of People

Ouyang Jinguo, who had studied medicine in the past, had been curious about the Banxia for a long time. He had even studied it for a period of time before his mother passed it on to Huo Wanting.

When the Banxia was shriveled, it was like an ordinary magnolia flower. However, once it was roasted over a fire, it would emit a distant fragrance. A person could smell it and even have a clear mind.

However, the Nine-Tailed Snake was extremely afraid of the smell. Even now, he would never forget its terrified appearance.

However, he really didn't know where it came from.

"That flower was passed down from generation to generation by the mistress of the house. I'm afraid that even my mother doesn't know where it came from. However, there is one thing. Other than the generations of the mistress of the house, others don't know about the existence of the Banxia."

"You're saying that even Ouyang Tian doesn't know about it?"