Han Jia’s Love and Resentment

There are some women that you don't have to be too polite to, because no matter how polite you are, she won't appreciate your kindness. She'll even think that you're afraid of her and that they deserved it.

Whether it was Han Jia or Nan Ya, they belonged to that kind of people.

Han Jia wanted to take the initiative to provoke Shen Xiaoxiao, but she only relied on the bodyguards that Jiang Haoting had arranged for her.

Although these bodyguards could not be compared to the Dark Empire's secret guards, they were all people in the system. Not only were they all special forces, but they also had working identities. In other words, as long as they were not killing people in China, Han Jia had the ability to do whatever she wanted, and Jiang Haoting would settle it for her.

Therefore, she was not afraid of Shen Xiaoxiao. Not only was she not afraid, but she even had the intention to provoke her. Today was a rare and precious opportunity.