Give Me a Cannon, Taking Me As a Woman That's Easy To Bully

Although Shen Xiaoxiao's body was still a little weak as she hugged the two children, she was very clear in her heart.

Tonight, Jiang Haoting came out after them one after another. First it was her, then the children.

It seemed that Jiang Haoting really wouldn't give up until he caught her.

Shen Xiaoxiao pulled the children into her arms. The weakness of the two children when they saw their mother coming back was too obvious.

After all, they were only four years old and not even five years old.

"Are you afraid?"

"No, we're not afraid, Mommy."

"If Mommy and Daddy can't make it back in time, what are you going to do?"

"Protect Da Bao (Little Treasure)!"

The two children spoke at the same time, which made Shen Xiaoxiao feel even more upset.

"Dark 2, thank you. You've done well."

"This is what this subordinate should do."

"Bring the two children down to rest. They're scared too."