Playing the Vanguard

The first ray of sunlight shone through the green gaps of the trees in the early morning. Everything around them was beautiful and peaceful.

If they ignored everything that had happened here before, this would be a beautiful and joyful place.

"If we move about 100 meters to the east, we will miss the path of their movements."

"Everyone, get ready to set off and clean up the tracks."

When they were all done cleaning up, even the lawn had been replanted by them. No one knew how these people had done it.

But at this moment, the place where they had stayed the night before looked as if it had never been disturbed before.

Red Bull watched their actions. These 'bandits' who were even more meticulous and swift than regular troops could always show a side that surprised and surprised them.

This clean-up job was much better than what they had done.

"Master, they are starting to move."