
"Nine-Tailed Snake?"

"15, scatter the medicinal powder."

Yan Kuan immediately instructed them. Before they entered the mountain, all their equipment was complete, especially since they knew that this forest was filled with snakes, insects, rats, and ants. Moreover, the poison was extremely strong, so in order to avoid being bitten by these things... They were even equipped with high-intensity drugs that could repel snakes and insects.

They circled around and scattered the powder around them. When Lin Jiahui saw their actions, she did not care whether the ball in her hand would be snatched away by them and directly jumped into the circle.

After the Nine-Tailed Snakes fell off the stone wall, more and more of them surrounded them. Fortunately, even though they had nine tails, they were still snakes. Snakes would be afraid of things like realgar.

Therefore, after they surrounded them, those snakes hid outside the circle and didn't dare to come in.