Parting Gift

There had just been a beast tide, and there were not many wild beasts foraging in the dark forest at the moment.

This time, they would stay in the mountains for at least three months, at most half a year, and they might not even be able to come out. Back then, it took Yan Kuan a month just to walk back to the second layer of the forbidden area, let alone enter the innermost part of the forest.

What they carried the most were all kinds of medicine, not food and water. It was not necessary to bring those to survive in the forest, but these medicines were necessary to prevent themselves from getting hurt.

Guns were heavy and ammunition was cumbersome. Although these things were useful, they could not bring too many of them into the mountains. Of course, it was not that they could not bring helpers. Bringing helpers was equivalent to bringing people to die. They were not that desperate... They would not do that.