Monkey Leads the Way

Shen Xiaoxiao was completely speechless at the sudden appearance of the monkey behind her. She did not know what was going on, but she had actually been targeted by a monkey. Moreover, this was a monkey that knew how to act cute.

Sometimes, Shen Xiaoxiao really wanted to directly make a move on this thing that was always behind them because they always had a feeling of being spied on. However, every time she was about to make a move... This monkey would give her a tearful feeling.

Monkeys were really smart. Sometimes, they were even smarter than humans.

"Why don't we discuss it with this monkey?"

Yan Kuan's suggestion made Shen Xiaoxiao stunned. Could they discuss it?

"This can be discussed?"

"Naturally, this monkey is definitely smarter than the monkeys outside. It even has some intelligence."

"Enlightened? You're not joking, right?"