Ying Zi’s Jealousy

Dinner: Hot pot

Participants: Four women and a little bean.

As for Yan Kuan, he was too well-educated to eat with other women besides his wife, daughter, and future daughter-in-law. Of course, after hearing this reason from Little Treasure... Yan Kuan was once again severely despised by the other three women. He was too shameless. How could he say such words? Was this a show of affection? Was it?

"Little Treasure, are all communications back to normal in R Country?"

"Yes, Daddy said four hours is enough. It would be meaningless if we won too easily."

"D*mn, don't imitate your father. He's too arrogant." Lou Yin could not help but criticize Yan Kuan to Little Treasure. In the end, Little Treasure said:

"Yes, I will only be more arrogant than him. Those who bully Mommy and Godmother are all bad people."