Boring Banquets

"Mommy, don't you think this kind of banquet is boring?"

Seeing Little Treasure frowning and looking unhappy, Shen Xiaoxiao, who was also feeling bored, did not feel bored at this moment. How could she be bored when she saw her baby like this?

"It was indeed boring at first, but seeing you like this, I think it's quite interesting."

"Mommy, you're so annoying."

"Hahaha, silly child. These banquets are boring, but look, many people attend these banquets with different purposes. Some come to get to know people, some need opportunities to cooperate, and some have a playful attitude. It depends on how you observe and how you see. Sometimes, seeing people with different purposes and doing different things is also a kind of experiential learning."

"Mommy, then why did you and Daddy come?"

"Well, to maintain a relationship. Also, to waste some time."