
"What's wrong with Little Treasure?"

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at Little Treasure who looked as if he was venting his anger on the sandbag and practicing non-stop. She asked Yan Kuan worriedly.

Yan Kuan sighed and said to Shen Xiaoxiao, "Go and prepare some food for Little Treasure. I'll go and take a look. The child has something on his mind now that he's grown up."

"Alright, I'll go and prepare some food for you guys. Have a good talk with him."

After seeing Shen Xiaoxiao leave, Yan Kuan slowly walked into the practice room. He took off his jacket and aimed it at Little Treasure's back.

"Daddy will accompany you to practice."

Little Treasure was initially stunned. However, when the fist wind attacked him without any restraint, Little Treasure did not show any mercy. It was as if he was venting his anger. He aimed at Yan Kuan and attacked him.