Rhychard glanced back out at the trees behind his house, oaks and elders with a couple of towering pines thrown in. It was an oasis for him. He could walk into those woods, and the noise of life faded the deeper he went, the churning waters of the river calling him, soothing him. He wanted to walk in them now and forget Vargas and Adrian, Harvest Fellowship and cemeteries. He wanted to forget Renny.
He felt Tryna’s tiny hand on his arm and glanced down at her. “Rhychard, to open a Gateway to the Void takes blood, lots of blood.”
“And Harvest Fellowship has about four hundred in their congregation on any given Sunday. That’s a lot of blood.” What is it with demons and blood? Why can’t they just once perform a simple ritual with a dance and a chant and then go for an espresso?