Rhychard took a long pull from his cigar, allowing the mild smoke to linger before exhaling. He stared at the glowing tip as he recalled the fiasco of breaking into Adrian’s office. “It was worth a try. Without the pastor’s so-called evidence people can stand up to him. Too bad gargoyles can get on to church property now.” He knew he sounded bitter, but he couldn’t help it. Everything they told him seemed to have been a lie.
Tryna nodded, her tiny, childlike lips pressed into a stern line. “It is worse than I feared.”
“We have another problem. Jerome, Buttercup’s pimp, came looking for her. I had to convince him to leave.”
“This is the man she works for?” Tryna turned and looked at him, her brows bunched in a confused knot.
“Her boss, so to speak, yes. He didn’t like the fact she wasn’t working his streets. My guess is Adrian told him where to find her, and Vargas told Adrian.”
“That is unfortunate.” Tryna turned back to the water.