Chapter 45: Reaping the Harvest

Rhychard walked over and scratched Kree behind the ears. The elven hound pushed his head into Rhychard’s fingers. “He really is harmless, unless you’re a pepperoni pizza, that is.” :Thank you, my friend.: Rhychard turned to Renny but stayed where he was. “These are my friends. They’ve saved my life, as well as the lives of others. Tryna is the one you heard me talking to that night, and it was about me saving the police captain, John Relco. Renny, I have never lied to you or cheated on you. I just couldn’t explain everything that happened to me. To be honest, I still can’t. They are going against rules passed down over thousands of years to help me convince you of what is really happening. You have to believe me, Renny. Your life does depend on it.”