Chapter 55: Lore Master

Moving to present time:

Not for the first time, Rhychard Bartlett stood there staring at the desolated ruins. It wasn’t supposed to end this way, everything he loved destroyed. He was supposed to receive his happily-ever-after. He deserved his reward for saving the day, for defeating Vargas and putting an end to the Gateway to the Nether by blocking the evil that dwelt there from reaching Harbor City. He earned his happy ending with all the sacrifices he made and the betrayals he was forced to endure. He deserved to get his Renny back. They were supposed to be happy. It was his due!

Yet, even Rhychard knew no one received a guarantee ensuring them a happy-ever-after, especially a Warrior of the Way.

He came close, his grip inches from claiming his prize. Yet, as his father always said, almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Almost doesn’t count in life or even in matters of the heart.

Or in battles with the Unseelie, the creatures of the Void.