Rhychard glanced at the small homes, most needed a lawn mower ran through the yards, and almost all needed a new coat of paint. Of course, before they could be painted, they would all need a solid pressure washing. Decades of dirt and grime clung to the walls, dulling the already faded paint even more. Some of the homes possessed broken windows, and only a few of those were boarded up to keep the weather and mosquitoes out. Curtains covered some windows while sheets draped across others to block out the nosy neighbors and passersby. Garbage cans overflowed, and litter filled the gutters and sidewalks. The Bottoms. These people had basically given up on having anything nice and surrendered to the decay they felt overtaking their lives. “Most humans care very much. These people have merely given up,” Rhychard said.
“It is sad, really. However, if you did feel something of the Void here the other day, it would not surprise me. This place seems ripe for the activity of the Unseelie.”