Chapter 241: Summerlands

Early morning commuters, college kids, and senior citizens enjoying their morning caffeine fix packed Common Grounds this morning. Rhychard took a long sip of his coffee—-black, strong, and blistering. Setting the cup back on the table, he stared out at the morning traffic as it passed back and forth on Main Street, easing their way to school or work. Rhychard envied them the normalcy of their morning.

The sun climbed over the downtown area, chasing away the night’s shadows and bringing a clean slate to another day. Too bad my slate is still full from yesterday, Rhychard thought as he took a deep breath of the morning air.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Renny said before she took a sip of her breakfast tea.

He glanced over at her, looking at her purse and then down at her feet, but gnomes appeared. “I was wondering how people would react if they knew a couple of demons stood just down the road from them.” He glanced under the table, but still no tiny men. “Where are your bodyguards?”