Tansy could feel her nerves making her tremble as she stepped closer to her friends. She refused to see them as anything except the witches from her coven. They could be saved. She would save them. There was no other option. She lost Rose. She would lose no one else.
She held her hands out to her sides, doing her best not to appear threatening. Of course, her power hovered just underneath, ready to be used to defend herself, but Tansy wasn’t sure she could bring it to bear against her friends. “Kayla. Wanda,” she started, keeping her voice soft, soothing. “Can you hear me? I know you’re still in there. I need you to fight these creatures.” She talked slowly, each step a risk, she knew.
The demon inside Kayla sneered at her, making the young witch’s upper lip curl upward, and Tansy could see the girl’s teeth had changed to resemble fangs. “The one you call Kayla is huddled in some corner weeping,” he hissed. “She holds no power against me, the foolish witch. Weak.”