Laci walked down Main Street, the words of Nazareth Xavier echoing in her mind. Laci Valentine, you’re a necromancer, speaker to the dead, bridge between this life and the afterlife. A necromancer. What the hell was a necromancer? She had absolutely no idea what Nazareth was telling her, and she didn’t hang around to find out more. Instead, she just left, shaking her head and exhaling a frustrated breath. She was finished with magic, having left the Cauldron Coven. The last thing she needed was for some weirdo trying to convince her she possessed even more powers, stranger powers. She didn’t want powers; going after magic started her down the path that cloaked her in death in the first place. She wanted nothing to do with anything that even came close to magic, which is why she walked right by The Murky Cauldron and kept walking.