Laci stood outside the morgue, staring at the bland dirty-white walls. Again, she had to face death; only this time, she wasn’t fighting it or running away from it, but rather, walking toward it in order to have a conversation. She really didn’t want to talk to the dead.
She had Jayden drop her off and then sent her sister home with the story that Laci was helping at the morgue as part of some community internship based on her desire to do more in the line of social work. Jayden didn’t understand how working at a morgue would have anything to do with helping people on the street, but she didn’t question it. She did, however, give Laci weird looks as she drove away.
The front door opened, and the detective leaned out, waving Laci inside.
She sighed. Why did I agree to do this again? With a deep breath, she left the safety of the parking lot for the unknown of talking with dead people, her arms crossed over her chest. Wasn’t there a movie about this?