In her daydream, Laci paused a moment, watching her father, his sturdy hands turning up the soil, pulling weeds and digging up buried stones. He seemed so happy, his dark brown eyes revealing the peace and joy he received when working with his hands. He even whistled an old Nat King Cole tune as he worked, kneeling on the ground, his powerful back arched as he worked, content with his life. It was a memory Laci held close to her heart during the next eight years of the nightmare she endured.
Laci felt the urge to move toward her father, but remembered what Nazareth told her to do. She felt herself take the first step, and then stopped, forcing herself to remain still. Yet, in front of her, she saw herself moving toward her father, watched as the younger Laci knelt beside him and pretended to enjoy working in the ground with him. She never fooled her father, however, and he probably already knew she had an ulterior motive.