Tansy sat, cross-legged, in the middle of the floor of the back room of The Murky Cauldron. The others—Wanda, Jayden, and Regina—joined her in a circle, legs also crossed, hands on their knees as they watched her. They were a small group, but still strong. These women, at least two of them, stood by her no matter what and were ready to continue the journey. The third, Regina, wanted to walk that journey with them, as well. Tansy hoped after seeing Laci on Monday, the young witch would join them again, allow them to help her with her new powers as a necromancer. Maybe in time.
Jayden seemed surprised when she saw Regina in the shop at closing, but welcomed the new girl with a hug before everyone made their way to the back room.
“As Regina is new to magic, I thought teaching her how to cast a circle would be a good place to start,” Tansy said, rubbing her palms against her thighs.
Regina cocked an eyebrow at her. “A circle?” She sighed, a look of disappointment covering her face.