Chapter 113: Siege of Atlantis

A/N: The winner for the last contest were Thor_Ragnarok_8653 for the Electro GIF.

Juhiko for the Shocker GIF.

Insert a GIF of The Lizard/Curt Connors Here


(3rd Person: POV)

After staring at the ocean waves in front of her for a few more minutes Katma turned away from them and headed back inside of the confines of the base itself.

She then entered the bases main headquarters and made her way to a conference room.

Where Attuma, his top lieutenants, and her own, were waiting.

"Good day to you all." Katma said.

Getting acknowledgement from everyone in the room.

Even Attuma himself.

Since over the past couple of years working together he and Katma Tui had developed a mutual respect for each other.

A far cry from their first meeting on the island.

Once Katma gave her greetings she walked up to the table situated in the middle of the room.

Meanwhile everyone else, save for Attuma who was standing by the table like Katma, moved to take up the seats in the conference room.

Then once they did everyone focused their attention on Katma and Attuma.

Seeing this Katma touched the table, and a second after she did a holographic display appeared in the air over it. The display itself of Atlantis.

[Insert Image of Marvel Atlantis Here]

"Alright people I won't mince words. We all know why we're here. To conquer the seas and bring them under the control of Lord Doom. And tomorrow we take our first steps down that path by conquering the jewel of the sea itself, Atlantis." Katma spoke. "You all have your orders, you know the contingencies we have in place. And you know what must be done. But the reason I decided to have this meeting today is too remined you of that. As well as the fact failure is not an option. Especially in regards to the highest priority objective we must fulfill, even if it means abandoning Atlantis."

Touching the table once more Katma pulled up holographic images. This time of people.

"The extermination of the current ruler of Atlantis Namor, and his immediate family and most loyal followers " Katma spoke.

Her eyes like black holes when she looked at the holographic display of Namor and those closest to him.

[Insert Image of Namor McKenzie Here]

"For if they survive it will matter not if we capture Atlantis."

"Primarch Tui speaks the absolute truth." Attuma said. "For I have faced Namor many times in my quest to conquer the seas and I can say that while the Atlantean hybrid does have many faults he is a tenacious bastard, who the people of Atlantis, and most other Atlantean respect."

"Which is why no conquering of the seas can truly occur so long as he is alive. Is that understood?" Katma spoke.

"Yes, Primarch Tui!" The military officers in the room replied back in unison.

"Excellent. I'm glad you all understand. So with that I call this meeting to an end. Now all of you make sure to get some rest tonight, for tomorrow we will make the seas turn red with the blood of all those who oppose us. For the emerperor!"

"For the Emperor!" The entire room shouted.

Bringing a huge smile to Katma Tui's face.



[June 14th, 2010]

*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

Hearing the sound of explosions reverberate through the water Namor, king of Atlantis, swam faster through the halls of the royal palace towards his throne room.

Arriving he slammed open the doors, finding his top military and political advisors, as well as his wife Dorma and son Kamar, waiting for him.

The moment the king of Atlantis swam into the room all eyes turned to him.

"Report." Namor simply spoke. But in a commanding tone with no room for objection.

"Sire we are under attack." One of his generals told him.

"I know that you idiot. Give me details!" Namor shouted back in response.

"Of course my king." One of the other generals spoke.

He then pulled up a holographic screen, since Atlantis possessed advanced technology.

Once the screen was pulled up every in the throne room turned their gaze to it.

When they did they saw the Atlanten army battling against Attuma and his warriors, who were being aided by powerful underwater vessels.

[Image Here]

Which were the first round of undersea attack vessels made for the Latverian Navy.

Seeing Attuma Namor couldn't help but scowl. "Attuma!" He seethed. "To think he would have the gal to attack us once more. That low-born mongrel! He will rue this day! For it will also be his last."

"Sire, I understand your frustration and anger. But those vessels accompanying Attuma and his soldiers cannot be underestimated." One of the political advisors spoke up.

"True. Our forces are struggling against them and we haven't even taken one of them out yet, while they're easily decimating the ranks of our soldiers." One of the generals explained.

"Then pull back out forces and have them regroup. Turn this assault into the siege that it is." Namor ordered his people. Meanwhile I will go and take care of Attuma once and for all." He spoke.

Hearing their kings orders his advisors nodded and started moving. The same for Namor himself.

But before anyone could leave the throne room several bombs went off, easily destabilizing it.

"Take cover!" Namor shouted.

Swimming to collect his wife and son in his arms and move them out of the way of any falling debris.

Namors' advisors also did the same, but not all of them managed to survive.

Then before Namor and his allies even had a second to collect themselves Primarchs, in gear created for underwater operation, led by none other than Katma Tui burst into the throne room from several different entrances.

Their weapons at the ready.

Since this was the plan to defeat Namor from the beginning.

While Attuma destroyed Atlantis main fighting force from the front Katma would destroy its overall leadership from the back.

Looking around the throne room Katma's eyes soon found Namor and landed on him.

When they did Namor looked in her direction.

The king of Atlantis getting a furious expression on his face.

Meanwhile Katma Tui just licked her lips in satisfaction.

'Lord Doom. I am close. Worry not, for the prize you asked me to collect for you is almost within my hands.' Katma thought.

A crazed look in her eyes when thinking about Doom and ripping Namors' head from his body.

Speaking of which Katma is about to do just that.