Chapter 3 - Venturing Out

They escaped the mall and headed for the car—and Chelsea’s computer—her pussy throbbing and not just from the fucking Darren gave her in the little alcove just a few moments ago. She was eager to do some research and discover if there were swinger groups in her area. She already knew that if her fantasy was going to happen, then she would have to be the one doing the legwork for it. Darren may have said yes, but that didn’t mean he was eager to begin their little adventure. No. She would have to be the one to shove the door open wide for them and usher in this new path that they both wanted, that made her pussy tingle with each thought as to the adventures that lay ahead.

She giggled as she slid into the passenger seat of their car, excited to finally be putting action to her dreams.

“Someone is allowing her enthusiasm to take over.” Darren shook his head as he started the car. “You scare me sometimes.”

She patted his hand, her smile stretching across her face and filling her heart. She was lucky to be married to such a man as Darren who would give her what she craved. She would have to make sure it went well, for both of their sakes. “What can I say? Being naughty is exciting.”

“You haven’t been naughty yet.” Then he glanced over at her, one eyebrow raised in suspicion. “Have you?”

“Not yet, I promise. But the anticipation is making me crazy and very wet.”

He reached out, taking her hand in his and squeezed it. “We do this together. Right?”

“Always.” She squeezed his hand back, assuring him of her heart’s intent.

He just nodded as he shifted the car in drive and eased out of his parking spot.

Turning back to the passing view outside of her window, Chelsea couldn’t stop thinking about what was coming, the adventure that would soon happen between her legs. She had so many fantasies that kept her reaching for her vibrator when Darren wasn’t home. She was eager to see some of them come true. She just hoped she hadn’t made it bigger in her head than it would be in real life. She had read the books, the stories of others who had ventured out of their marital bed and into another’s arms for an evening. It all excited her, and she craved that excitement.

As soon as she was home, she tossed the bags on her bed and plopped down in her desk chair. She was ready to begin her search. As soon as her web browser was up, she typed in swinger groups and was surprised that there were so many sites where people could hook up for casual sex. It was like a smorgasbord of lust. There was something out there for everyone, no matter how dark or taboo. She didn’t want dark and taboo. Not yet, at least. She just wanted sex. Lots of sex.

“That didn’t take long,” Darren said as he stepped up behind her, a cold beer in his hand. “You’re more eager for this than I thought.”

“I can’t help it. It’s exciting. Look here.” She pointed to the screen. “There’s something called a meet and greet at a local bar.” She turned to him, her green eyes holding the sparkle of her excitement. “It’s tomorrow night. We can go and check it out. Not even tell them we’re there unless we want to. You know, some undercover stalking before we decide to go further under the covers.” She grinned at him, unable to keep the excitement from her voice.

“Isn’t that sneaky?”

“Who cares? I’m sure they’re used to it. People like us, who are nervous about stepping into the swinger waters, probably go and watch for a bit before stepping into the pool. What harm could it do?” She stared into his eyes as she said it. She knew what she was asking of him, but she also knew it excited him as much as it did her. He knew what a horny woman she was when he married her. Her wanting to venture into the swinger lifestyle was not a shock to him when she finally managed to bring it up.

He took a sip of his beer, a stalling tactic, she knew. After he swallowed, he just smiled down at her, his eyes already revealing that she would get her way again. He could never deny her. She was spoiled, and she loved it. “Well, then, I guess we need to go see what people show up. I could use a drink out, anyway.”

She couldn’t keep the grin from her face as she reached out and squeezed his arm. “This is going to be fun. You’ll see. And if we don’t like what we see, we can just enjoy our drinks and then come home.”

He shook his head. “If we go out, you’re having sex with me in some exotic spot.”

She waggled her eyebrows at him. “With pleasure.”

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Have fun. I’m going to see what’s on the television.” He turned and walked away, leaving her to do her researches and fantasies.

She used the time to set up a profile for them on one of the sites, Timeforfun, the handle she chose for them. Now, what picture do I choose? She rummaged through their photos until she found one that revealed her cleavage and the promise of treasure below. She wanted to entice. Otherwise, what was the point of doing it? She took her time filling in all the likes and dislikes, what they enjoyed and were looking for sections of the profile, describing themselves as accurately as possible. No sense lying when they were going to meet these people face-to-face, if not body-to-body. Once the profile was complete, she sat back and read through it once more for glitches. Satisfied that everything was perfect, she clicked the submit button. Now she just had to contain her excitement until tomorrow night.