Chapter 7- Venturing Out

While their experience at Tucker’s Hideaway was less than ideal, Chelsea was not going to give up. There had to be people out there she found attractive enough to want to pursue this adventure with. Not all of them could be so…so… She didn’t finish the thought. Darren had been nice once they finally left the bar, not bothering with the I told you so or even making rude comments about some of the people they met. Still, she knew he was less than pleased with what they had walked into, and if she was going to get him to agree with venturing out into the lifestyle, she was going to have to come up with something much better than that first meet and greet. Aggie was nice enough but there was no one there that Chelsea even felt safe talking with about her desires. No, the search would continue.

And it did for several nights until she met Brian Fletcher online and the two of them started talking. The conversations had gone so well that now she sat in the passenger seat of her car, twisting her fingers around each other, about to meet Brian and his wife. This wasn’t like seeing a guy at the bar and ogling his firm ass through his pants from across the way, daydreaming what he would feel like on top of her. No, this was a meeting to see whether the two couples were interested in going somewhere and having sex with one another tonight. This wasn’t daydreaming; this was reality.

“You know we can back out and just go home,” Darren said. “You don’t have to go through with this if you’re having second thoughts.” He was doing his best to make her feel comfortable changing her mind and not guilty for dragging him out here for no real reason, getting his hopes up and then crashing them. Yet, she knew what his heart—well his cock, at least—wanted.

Chelsea reached over and squeezed his hand. "No. I'm the one who initiated all of this. I want this." She leaned over and kissed him, his lips warm against hers. "Now, let's go see if we're getting laid tonight," she said as she broke the kiss.

He gave a soft chuckle. "Oh, we'll be getting laid tonight even if it's just us banging each other."

She grinned at him, giving him a wink as she said, "But I've had you. I was kind of hoping for someone new, fresh."

He held his side with both hands. "Ouch. That hurt." He leaned over and kissed her. "Well, let's see about your fresh meat, shall we?" He opened his door and walked around the car to open hers. "After you, my queen."

She slid out of her seat and patted his cheek. "As it should be, my dear."

He shook his head, shut her door, and then offered his arm out for her, escorting her inside the hotel.

The Beachside Palms was nestled close to the Atlantic shore, a ten-story building with balconies overlooking the ocean. Tourists were treated to a beautiful sunrise every morning if they were sober enough to wake up to witness it. The Sandy Shore was the restaurant inside of the hotel, a luxurious dining room with bright red cloth napkins and shining silverware. On the wooden deck outside, overlooking the dunes, the hotel bar, Beachcombers, served drinks to visiting patrons and locals alike. Off to the north side of the deck, chaise lounge chairs offered a relaxing spot to enjoy a cocktail and the evening breeze. Tonight was no different. The moon cast its shimmering glow on the rolling tide coming into shore, pelicans floating along the cresting waves in hopes of dinner. It was there that the Davenports were to meet Rachel and Brian Fletcher, the couple Chelsea had been talking to on the swinger's site.

To be honest, the conversations had been more between Chelsea and Brian than the foursome. It seemed each couple had one side that did most of the talking on the site—the negotiations, as Chelsea called them. Most of the talk was the general getting-to-know-you stuff. However, there was quite a bit of playful banter between the two of them as they discovered what each couple liked, their rules, and limits. Different couples had different boundaries, things they would or would not do. The more Chelsea dug into the lifestyle, the more she was surprised at the myriad of terms in their lingo. She prayed no one glanced at her search history on her computer.

Rachel and Brian were already there, stretched out in the chaise lounge chairs, each of them holding a drink. Chelsea paused after they stepped out of the doorway, staring at the couple they were to meet. Her nerves were strung tight as she felt her heart pounding in her ears.

Darren leaned over and kissed the side of her head. "How about we get drinks before we go over and introduce ourselves?"

She turned and smiled up at him. "That would be great. Thanks."

"My pleasure, lover." His smile helped calm her nerves. It always did.

They leaned on the bar as their drinks were being made, their hands clasped as they stared at the waiting couple across the way. "Well," Darren said, "what do you think?"

She gave him a puzzled look. "In the dark? This far away?"

"C'mon. I know you have opinions, and you've been staring at their pictures on the computer for over a week now. Something about them must have warmed that sweet spot between your legs. What was it?"

Chelsea stared over at the couple. Brian was playful, always hinting at what he'd like to do to her if she ever gave him the chance. He was brazen as well, not hiding behind sweet words or phrases. "I want to spread those sweet looking legs of yours and sink my cock all the way into that wet pussy." It wasn't romantic by any sense of the word, but it made her juices start to flow, and that was what this little adventure was all about, after all.

Brian was a tall man with thick shoulders and a dark tan from his days out in the sun as a lifeguard instructor. His light brown hair was cut close to his scalp, probably due to the need to keep his bangs out of his eyes while he was in the water. His eyes, a deep cerulean blue, matching the ocean waves... Chelsea shook her head, scattering the thoughts out of her mind. Brian Fletcher was hot. She would leave it at that.

His wife, Rachel, was short, with long blond hair, and a store-bought bosom. She was playful, with full lips and deep green eyes. According to Chelsea's conversations with Brian, Rachel enjoyed playing both sides as much as she loved watching the action taking place. Brian was more into the action than being a spectator. He wanted to fuck, plain and simple.