Chapter 13: Play Date

The next few days Chelsea received several messages from people on the swing site, most saying mundane things like Hey, nice profile, let’s fuck and Check out our profile and then let’s make it happen. Of course, there were others that made it more enticing, usually attaching photos and desiring to meet to see if sparks flew. From several of the photos, Chelsea was pretty sure sparks were going to do more than fly; they were going to set off some major fireworks. She craved those fireworks.

“Tell me again who we’re meeting.” Darren reached over, squeezing her hand. “Might help if I know more than the husband makes your pussy wet.”

Chelsea grinned. “All of this makes my pussy wet, especially since it’s something traditional people say we shouldn’t do. It’s an adventure. Don’t you just love adventures?”

“As long as they’re with you.” He lifted her hand, kissing her knuckles. “Now, let’s go meet the next man to climb between my wife’s legs.”