Chapter 22: After Party

The Duck Pond was different from that nightmare, Tucker’s Hideaway, they ventured into their first time out. Instead of dark and scary, this place was bright with current hits blaring from the speakers in the corners and people actually on the dance floor swaying their hips. As she watched the dancers, she noticed how they ground against each other, groping their partners, partners who seemed to switch with every song change. The night ahead looked to be a fun adventure.

“Hey, you made it.” Monica Newbury walked out of a crowd, moving toward them wearing a tight maroon dress and a smile. Her breasts were shoved upward, the creamy globes begging for attention, and by the look on his face, Darren was ready to give them the attention they cried for.

Chelsea hugged her, Monica’s breasts pressed tight against her. “We needed a night out,” she said. then glancing around, she added, “This place looks pretty alive.”