Charlie and I had gone to Gulf Shores for a quick honeymoon. We enjoyed the beach for a couple of days and then came back in time to make my first appointment with the specialist. It was the first ultrasound, and the doctor wanted to get it done to figure out just how far along I was. My best guess was about twelve weeks, but with all the risk factors involved, Dr. Nesbit wanted as exact a date as we could get. I hated that I was subjecting myself to more doctors' offices and appointments, but at least this had a prize at the end.
A nurse had led us into an exam room and instructed me to hop onto the exam table. I wasn't going to be doing any hopping, but with a little effort and Charlie's help, I got situated just before the ultrasound tech came in.
She dimmed the lights and introduced herself. "I'm Amy. It's nice to meet you." She had me lift my shirt and then tucked a paper sheet into the waistband of my pants and draped the remainder of the paper down my legs.