The number was typed in, and I held the phone between both hands. Each time the screen dimmed, I'd touch it to bring it back to life, but I'd yet to press call. I'd battled this war in my mind non-stop since we'd left Dr. Nesbit's office. The only part of me that wanted to do this was the part of me that wanted to live. The rest of me argued vehemently with myself.
Death terrified me almost as bad as living a life without mobility. Charlie was right. I knew he was right. Everything he had said, sitting in the parking lot at the doctor's office was spot on. But that didn't stop the images of two heads and two little spines popping into my mind. Prior to the ultrasound, the pregnancy was a notion-it wasn't a child. Now it wasn't just a child; it was two. They were very real and very much alive inside me.