Chapter 42: Charlie

The nurse had practically dragged me away as they prepped Sarah, for what I wasn't sure. Another woman joined the lady who'd pulled me away from my wife, but I only heard bits and pieces of what she had to say as she shoved paperwork at me.

"Mr. Burin, I know this is a lot to take in, but the babies aren't going to wait. I need you to sign the forms."

I nearly dropped the clipboard and pen as I tried to form a sentence. "Wait? What do you mean? Sarah's nowhere near her due date." By nowhere, I meant eleven or twelve of them.

The nurse who had pulled me away gave the one who'd joined us a sympathetic glance before she turned remorseful eyes to me. "An emergency C-section is the best hope for all of them."

I couldn't swallow.

My throat had completely closed, and I was struggling to even breathe.