"Eason, are you ready?" I peeked my head around the door to his office, and his slate-grey eyes met mine. My heart warmed at the sight of his panty-dropping grin.
"Packing up now. Did you finish the files on the Martin case?"
I lifted the folder and proceeded across his office to drop the paperwork on his desk. "Everything you asked for is there, including a copy of the will." Real estate law was rarely exciting, but every once in a while, a case went to court, and things got juicy.
As a paralegal, I didn't get to attend many of the actual hearings, although occasionally, I did get to sit in on depositions and mediations. It never ceased to amaze me just how greedy people got after death. Brothers and sisters became mortal enemies, and long-lost relatives appeared out of nowhere-every one of them had their hand out. I'd get tickled when Eason let a case get hung up in probate because his client was an ass. "I wish I could come with you for this one. It's going to be a doozy."