"Good morning, Austin." My sister-in-law beamed at me from the front porch of the Adams' house. The coo of her singsong voice welcomed me and drew me in.
"Day's nearly half over, Sarah." I strolled in her direction from the barn to give her a hug, and my nephew barreled toward me at a pace only a three-year-old could keep.
Stopping to squat, I braced myself for the force at which Rand would throw his body at me. His little frame hit my chest, and I wrapped my arms around my only nephew, though he didn't let me hold him long. The ranch wound him up into a ball of energy that couldn't be contained.
"What are we doing today, Tin Tin?" His nickname for me would have earned him a black eye had he been fifteen years older, but it was hard not to love a toddler who couldn't say "Austin." Not only had it stuck with Rand, Kylie and Kara used it, too. However, I drew the line with other family members, and Charlie had found that out the hard way.