Eason followed me into the elevator. I noticed his snicker and then tracked his line of sight down my legs. Seeing nothing to gawk at, I glowered. "What are you giggling about?"
"You have something under your stockings."
Alone with Eason, I craned my neck and contorted my body. Finally, I found the pair of red panties bunched behind my thigh, beneath my pantyhose. My cheeks flamed. Quickly, I tried to figure out the best way to remove the offending lingerie before the doors opened. I wasn't even sure how he'd seen it. There was only the slightest bit of fabric showing past the hem of my skirt.
"Here, hold this." I shoved my bag at him.
Eason clutched my purse against his chest. His laughter increased with every second that passed. "Did you just pluck a pair off the floor?"