By the time I arrived at the hospital, it was a little after six, leaving me about two hours with Jack to myself. The parking lot was relatively empty. I didn't see Sarah's SUV or Charlie's truck. And thankfully, there wasn't a limo in sight. Thinking about Randi having the audacity to traipse through town in that showboat did nothing other than irritate me.
"Good evening, Mr. Burin," the receptionist greeted. That was the great thing about small towns. It didn't take long for the locals to learn your name.
I tipped my head and gave her a bit of a smile without saying anything. She was young and cute, and there was no need for me to encourage anything beyond being polite. A few strides later and I was in the elevator, on my way to the third floor. Jack's door was down the hall on the right past the nurses' station.