We both backed away, holding the other's stare. I never took my attention off the anger that radiated from Miranda. It oozed from every pore in her body, and it had gone from sexy as hell to downright ugly. She didn't have a clue what Cross Acres was up against. None of them did. Jack hadn't seen it, Sarah had never concerned herself with the financial piece, and Miranda had been gone her entire adult life. Come to think of it, I didn't understand the need for either sister to even be in the room.
"Jack," I said as I broke the stronghold I had on his daughter, "I really think this is a matter for the two of us to discuss. Why don't I come back another time?"
Miranda couldn't stay quiet. "Because of me? Is that why you want to leave?"
Sarah attempted to soothe her sister. "No, Miranda. Of course not. It's just a difficult time for everyone."