Mr. Adams's hard glare met us at the entrance to the emergency room. "Where the hell you been?"
Pointing out that the two of us were damp, barefoot, and wearing nothing other than swimsuits wouldn't prove to be a wise move on my part. I chose to remain quiet and let Randi handle her father until he directed his questions at me. Which was about two seconds after he'd asked Randi, who hadn't answered.
Mr. Adams practically growled in my face. "Well?" His presence hadn't been this intimidating in years, yet suddenly, he was larger than life and angry as hell.
I cleared my throat and prepared to be the man I'd promised Randi she'd always have at her side. "We got here as quickly as we could, sir." It would have been nice to have backup in the form of my best friend at my side, but Brock had gone to park the truck.
Jack cracked his knuckles and posed the question a different way. "And where were you comin' from?" The last word became a hum that hung in the air, daring me to answer.