I had forgotten about way too much things, now let the real plot begin.
I was walking through every area of the town I had mistaken for Cocoyasi Village, when I had arrived. Some things clicked.
A cannon was aiming at the houses in Orange Town, Nami infiltrating Buggy.
From what I know, the ball that was going to get shot out of the cannon. I didn't want the first town I was in to be damaged so I interfered. Before the ball could hit the houses, I added haki to my feet and swung my sword in 4 different directions leaving the ball in 4 different pieces.
The good thing was that I had prevented the houses from being destroyed, the bad thing was that it still exploded leaving a bit of the nearest house's roof destroyed. I was able to dodge since there was about 2 seconds before it exploded.
"Loofy, how'd you get caught?" I asked.
"Nami told me to follow a plan." said Loofy.
He was too oblivious to things, Nami clearly had manipulated Loofy so why not get some payback.
"Who're you?" asked one of the pirates.
"I'm Vierra, I'm here to get our friend Nami back." I said.
"What?" exclaimed Nami.
"Yes, didn't you send a letter that your infiltration was successful and you needed someone to pick you up? I'm here now so let's go." I said.
All the pirates turned to her and her eyes widened in surprise that her own plan had backfired on her. Using this chance, I cut open the cage and rope that tied up Loofy.
"Thanks." said Loofy.
"Stop being so troublesome." I replied.
"How'd you deflect my Buggy Balls?" asked Buggy who suddenly appeared.
"Because I'm strong." I replied.
"Shut up! How was I suppose to rule the Grand Line?" asked Buggy who was frustrated.
"I'm the one who's going to rule Grand Line." said Loofy.
"What?" asked Nami who also suddenly appeared.
"I'm going to be the King of the Pirates." said Loofy.
"You idiot, whatever. The plan didn't work anyways." said Nami.
Suddenly 3 pirates appeared behind Nami planning to attack her.
"Rozoro!" I yelled.
Suddenly, the 3 pirates that had aimed for Nami had been cut down.
"Oh Zoro!" exclaimed Luffy.
"What do you keep playing around for? Getting yourself tied up the having Vierra to save you." said Rozoro.
"T-that's what he just called him right?"
"The crew member he had was Pirate Hunter Zoro?"
"What do you want? Are you here to take my head or something?" asked Buggy.
"Not interested, I gave up pirate hunting." said Rozoro.
"I'm interested though! Killing you would increase my name." said Buggy.
"I'm interested, Buggy. Shall we fight?" I asked.
All of them looked at me in shock, even Buggy was surprised.
"Are you sure? You'll die you know." said Buggy pulling out two daggers.
"You're going to be the one to die." I said smiling.
This was exciting, I was able to test my skill. After revising all the knowledge of my abilities during the sail here, I wanted someone to fully test my abilities on.
"Let's get started." I said.
I got into my stance, applied haki to my foot, and placed my hands on the hilt of my katana. In a blink of an eye, I had covered a 8 feet distance, and severed Buggy's head. Since I knew of his abilities, I grabbed his head, pulled out a clothing I had taken from Nojiko and stuffed it in his mouth. Sorry Nojiko, I sheathed my katana with my free hand.
I held onto his head and everyone was surprised.
"Move your body and I'll pinch your nose. Even if you're a devil fruit user, you still need air after all." I said.
There as muffles but I knew he agreed, he was a coward after all. His eyes wanted to know how I knew so I told him a lie instead.
"Tortured one of your pirates then killed him, easy information." I said.
His eyes widened in surprise.
"I have your captain's head, if you don't want him to die. It's best if you leave." I said.
In a single moment, all the pirates had left leaving us. I took out a big bag where Buggy sat and stuffed his head and his body in. I tied it really tight so it would take a while for him to escape, then proceeded to throw him in the direction of the see.
"Well that's that." I said.
"What now?" asked Rozoro.
"Nami, want to join my crew?" asked Loofy.
Nami thought about it for a moment before answering,
"Sure, but I'm only here for the treasure. That's it." said Nami.
"Now can we go? Pirates and Marines could be here in any moment. Our ship is still at the dock." I said.
"Alright." said Loofy.
We made our way to the dock and set sail but one thing was missing.
"You left my treasure somewhere else? Are you an idiot?" yelled Nami.
"Sorry, I forgot." said Loofy.
"Do you know how much I suffered just to get that?" yelled Nami trying to get Loofy to drown.
I laughed at this scene but soon, I was going to have to leave them.
I have my own journey after all.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the wind breezing against me.
Nemesis, how're you doing?
(Somewhere in another Realm)
"Aww, your human girlfriend is thinking about you." teased Rina.
"Shut up! But she does look so pretty with the wind blowing her hair. She's perfect in this life and in her previous life!" said Nemesis.
"You know her even from her previous life?" cooed Rina.
"N-no, of course not." Nemesis chuckled nervously.
"Whatever but she'll have other love interests. You know that right?" asked Rina.
"Of course, I won't interfere with anything." said Nemesis.
"Good." replied Rina watching her own human girl.
'After all, I'm the one deep inside Vierra's heart.' thought Nemesis.