
Currently Vierra was stuffing herself with fried rice and meat.

Tashigi was looking at her in surprise and shock,

"Are you sure you're not a man?" asked Tashigi.

"What makes you think that?" asked Vierra ordering another bowl of fried rice.

"I mean, I could never expect a young girl like you to eat this meat." said Tashigi.

"I'm hungry, if you don't believe me. I could show you." teased Vierra sending a wink towards Tashigi.

Tashigi blushed a little but stayed composed.

"After you eat, what're you going to do now?" asked Tashigi.

"I'm probably go-" before Vierra could finish, a jitte was pointed at her neck.

(A/N: A jitte or jutte is a specialized weapon that was used by police in Edo period Japan.)

"You're not going anywhere." said a man.

"Smoker?" exclaimed Tashigi.

'So he's here.' thought Vierra.

"Who're you?" she asked.

"I'm Smoker, the one who's going to bring you back to the marine base." said Smoker.

"What? She didn't even do anything wrong though." said Tashigi.

"What're you talking about?" asked Smoker pulling out a piece of paper.

「Suzuki D. Vierra. 」

「 Bounty ; $300,000,000」

「 Destroyed over 40 marine ships in one week!」

Tashigi's widened her eyes.,

"Is this really you?" asked Tashigi.

(Vierra POV)

"Is that really you?" asked Tashigi.

Well, there's no point in hiding it anymore.

"Yes, sorry for deceiving you. I genuinely enjoyed the time I spent with you." I said with a smile.

It was true, I didn't really have anyone to hangout with throughout my journey. Vivi was just there for training, we barely spoke to each other.

What was surprising though that my bounty went up to 300 million berries, I do recall sinking a few marine ships in that week but 40? Did I forget something?

The next second, 2 blades were pointed at my neck.

"Whoa there, you're going to cause a commotion." I said.

"So? Catching you is far more important than a commotion." said Smoker.

A blade to my right neck and a blade to my left neck.

So I guess I should probably,


Oops, I said that out loud, but roasted duck is amazing though.

After ducking, I pulled out my katana and deflected their blades away and bolted for the exit.

I knew smoker would be able to catch up to me so I applied haki making me faster.

Looking behind me, Smoker was starting to catch up, but Tashigi was running.

Tashigi's flustered face, I wished I had a camera with me to capture it.

I decided to jump on top of the roofs and run since there would be people blocking the streets. Although I could try to blend in with them, I would not rather accidentally run over someone.

Sigh, I was going to have to leave Alabasta.

After an hour of hiding, chasing, and hiding.

They finally stopped chasing me, they were probably calling for backup.

Thank god I had perfect memory, I was able to remember which direction I got out of the ship from, and started heading towards there.

It was pretty far, while jumping from roof to roof, I thought about some things.

There were many things I needed to do, first thing was increasing my bounty. I needed to raise it to at least 1 billion in one or two more years, another goal was to be at least emperor level, I don't want to get defeated by an admiral in one hit.

As I was thinking about my future, I had already arrived at my ship.




It's been a couple hours and there was no marine ship to be seen.

I should be glad but this was pretty odd, I was sure that Smoker had sent marines after me.

And I was right, there was about 24 marine ships around me blocking my way.

Damn Sengoku, him and his intellect.

Akainu probably wanted me gone since I was troublesome, hate him.

I wonder where's Aokiji, bet he's riding his bicycle on ice or something, that guy is weird.

The marine ships were getting closer and closer, how was I supposed to get out of this?

My genius side activated, why not just cut them all up?

Using that idea, I decided to give it a shot.

After all, I needed to go all out somewhere right?

Unsheathing my katana, I coated it with haki.

Then cannons were fired at me, using my observation haki to predict it's projectile, I swung my blade cutting all of the 4 cannons that were fired at me.

Why fire only 4? There's 24 marine ships and they've only fired 4.


Ah, it seems like I jinxed it.

There were about 36 cannons coming my way, 3 slashes should be enough.


3 slashes of purple haki was released from the katana, all of the cannons were sliced not from outside, but from the inside.

The cannons that were fired were cut into multiple smaller pieces, to the marines, it looked like it simply split apart in many pieces.

But for someone who reached the 970th episode of One Piece before dying and transmigrating into the One Piece world knew what happened.

I had unconsciously learned Advanced Ryou, somehow released it, and destroyed 36 cannons.

Looking at my katana, I realized something was different.

It bad fully turned into a black sword, I guess that was why I released advanced ryou.

Just as I was about to release more attacks to the marine ships, a bright blue phoenix came down, and vibrations started happening.

In an instant, the 24 marine ships were destroyed, and the air had somehow cracked.

Ace, I guess I met Whitebeard sooner than I thought.

The pineapple or Marco started flying towards me,

"Hey, you must be Vierra right? I'm Marco, I heard about you from Ace's message." said Marco.

"You got that right, you going to take me to your captain pineapple or should I walk on water?" I asked.

"You're a funny one, I'll fly you over there." said Marco with a smile.

"Sure, I don't want to show off my ability to walk on water anyways." I said.

"You can't." said Marco.

"I can." I replied.

"Prove it." said Marco.

"You first."

"I can't."

"Sucks to be you, now I think we're wasting too much time." I said.

"You and I are going to be good friends, but you're right." said Marco.

From watching the anime, I knew Marco was a nice and funny guy.

He could take jokes pretty well, I guess that's why I was able to talk to him like that.

Being a ruthless pirate is getting to me.