Sky Island VII

(A/N: Filler Chapter)



As Vierra walked deeper following the map of the forest in her mind, in the corner of her eyes, there was a mossy broken building.

She smiled to herself, she had finally found it. Sprinting through the forest, running on the broken trunks that connected the ground, and swinging through the vines. She felt as if she was tarzan right now except she was a girl.

The large roots of the trees blocked multiple paths making her having to take the long way and jump over them to reach the area. There was a loud sound that was heard, it sounded like charging. But Vierra had enough trouble for today, she just wanted to reach the place.

That was when she reached the place.

Vierra now stood in front of the other broken half of the building, it was covered in tree roots and moss. Touching the stone of the broken building, it had a rough yet smooth like surface. Going up the staircase, she gazed at the island across from her.

"So this is the island that was part of Jaya."

Vierra looked at the sea of clouds that was in between the island she was in and the island across from her.

The island was split into two a long time ago because of the monstrous current. Although it sounded unbelievable, the strength of the current definitely made it possible. Looking at the building and connecting the other half in her mind, it fitted perfectly in her perfect memory.

The "city of gold" that once existed on the ground that Noland saw didn't sink in the ocean and instead has been flying int he sky the entire time.

"Yep, One Piece definitely is amazing."

Then loud sounds came from behind Vierra, turning around, she saw flocks of birds flying into the sky.

"What is it now?" questioned Vierra.

Looking up at the sky, there was a big black bird that was coming towards her.

"It isn't going to pick me up right?"

Vierra used her haki and felt as it didn't have any intentions so she let the bird come towards her.

It opened it's claws and did what Vierra didn't want it to do, pick her up.

"Where is that you want to take me?"

The bird let out a sound and flapped it's wings. It started taking her to an entirely different area and the directions she didn't want to go. Flying over the sea of clouds and over the forest. She let the bird take her to the place it wanted her to go.

After a long time of flying over the forest and sea of clouds,

They were now flying across the island filled with sticks that all had skulls on them. Then suddenly loud breezes of the wind came this way, 4 figures flew by Vierra and headed towards the sky.

Not wasting any time at all, the brown haired figure pulled out his launcher and shot a cannon ball towards Vierra. But this was easy for her, while being carried mid air by the bird, she unsheathed her katana and sent out purple haki making the ball cut in multiple pieces.

Vierra watched the figures fly off into the distance, "What was the point of even attacking me?"

The bird suddenly took off with a burst of speed and entered the forest, soon enough, it started going down through the spiral like slides. Turing in many different directions and going in different paths.

Vierra was contemplating whether to just hop off and walk, she's been carried for a while now and the sun was starting to set in the distance. Because of the clouds, she wasn't able to see the clouds, the bird wasn't flying that high in elevation either.

Right when Vierra thought of that, it started going up and dropped down at a really fast speed.

"JUST WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?" screamed Vierra as they went downwards. There was a sea of clouds and multiple blue heads with there mouths open, they were trying to eat them.

Unsheathing her katana, she made a few quick slashes at the purple haki cut the skysharks. The bird flew with one last burst of speed and she was now back at the altar she was at before.

"Why would you bring me back here?" asked Vierra as the bird dropped her back onto the altar where her ship was placed.

It let out a few sounds and flew off into the distance, Vierra felt as if she needed to be here, heading into the ship, there was a bloodied sky knight leaning onto the railing with a severe injury.

She knew a bit of first aid, the first thing she did was check his heartbeat, it had a slow beating but he was alive. Taking a few med kits from her ship, she applied bandages around the injuries and laid him on a futon that she laid out.

This meant the Sky Priest that Gan Fall fought wasn't defeated and Gan Fall had lost the fight.

Though the most disturbing thought was how was her ship here, it was back at the Skypiea Beach, just when did it come here?

Vierra shook the thought away and instead focused on something else.

If her memories of the anime served right, this was when the angels and guerillas would clash. But she only remembered it just now, it was as if she would only remember things when it was a crucial time. Recalling onto the plots, it was as if they had been mashed up and things were a bit different.

Vierra was about to think about it more but her stomach growled.

"I guess it's pretty late now." muttered Vierra.

Heading into the ship, she brought out a few meat and started roasting it. Setting it onto a bowl along with other ingredients, she made some extras if the old man woke up.

Going back outside, she sat on the large root and started thinking in.

Though she also had to put all of the information about Sky Island together.

"Now then, let's start."

It was 400 years ago when Noland first discovered the city of gold, but when he returned to Jaya years later, the gold ruins were gone. Which meant during those years, this island which was part of Jaya flew up into the sky. The Knock-Up stream was the only reason on how the island was now in the sky.

In the anime, it was stated that the sea floors would explode in different places each time. It was quite believable about the Knock Up stream theory but it was quite unbelievable that this forest was the same one in Jaya. Looking at the environment of the forest, it allowed the animals and plants to grow quite quickly.

There was also the giant gold bell on the book of Noland and the incomprehensible line of the last page of the book that even Robin couldn't read. Before Noland died, he wrote a passage that said he saw gold in the "skull's right eye."

That was when everything came together, 400 years ago, the island of Jaya was shaped exactly like a skull.

"I guess that's where I'm heading next, though I'm not sure if I could bring the ship with me." muttered Vierra taking the last bite of the meal.

Setting up a small campfire, she was about to sleep when she felt a presence coming towards her.

Immediately unsheathing her katana, she accurately set her blade in front of the presence's neck.

Opening her eyes, there was a white wolf with a scar on it's right eye.

"Oh, it's just a wolf." muttered Vierra.

Sheathing back her katana, she set her blade on her lap and closed her eyes once again.

The wolf knew this person was strong and called it's pack over.

That night, Vierra went to sleep along with a pack of wolves surrounding her.