Sky Island IX

With one last diagonal slash, the divine soldier's blood was exerted from his body as he went limp on the ground. Vierra cringed in disgust as she pinched her nose, somehow, the divine soldier had a really bad smell to them.

As Vierra was about to walk away, there were suddenly loud footsteps behind her. She turned around to see two twins who dressed the same as the divine soldier she had just killed.

"And may I ask who you are?" Vierra asked with her blade still unsheathed. She felt like the two were different from the divine soldiers she had defeated.

"We're Hotori and Kotori!" the two said in sync as they danced around. "We're here to take revenge for our brother!"

Vierra tilted her head in confusion and asked, "Brother? This is the first time meeting you guys so you've got the wrong person."

"Hehehehe! Our brother is Satori! The one with the red hair you killed!" Hotori said.

Vierra widened her eyes in realization.

"Oh, so that was your brother." Vierra said with a chuckle. "It must be hard having an older brother like that, I mean, look at how you two turned out."

Hotori and Kotori stopped dancing around and faced Vierra. Behind their smiles were anger, they wanted to kill Vierra for disrespecting them and their brother.

"Hurt our brother! Disrespect our brother! You will pay!" Hotori and Kotori said. "Now, die!"

Before Hotori and Kotori could attack first, Vierra instantly dashed at them and got ready to slice. Before she could fully wield her katana, a dial appeared in her face.

Vierra widened her eyes and side-stepped to avoid the thin blast of air in the shape of an X that was said to be able to slice through iron in one blow. If she didn't dodge, the damage would've been fatal.

Moreover, the twins shouldn't be able to react that quickly. There was only one answer to that and it was that they were able to use Haki. Despite the difference between them, Vierra believed her Haki or Mantra far outclassed them.

"So, to beat them, all I have to do is 'see' further than them?" Vierra muttered under her breath. "Then it'll be as easy as saying it."

This time, before Vierra, made the first move. A large wall of fire was coming at her, instantly, she recognized that it was the Flame Dial being used.

"Flame Dial, eh?" Vierra said as she prepared her katana. "Hotori! Do you really think something like that could defeat me?!"

With a vertical slash, the wall of fire split in half revealing the twin's shocked expression. They weren't shocked that Vierra was able to slice the fire in half, but the fact that she could tell them apart.

" could tell us apart?" Hotori and Kotori exclaimed. "How is that possible?!"

Vierra gave them a slight smile and said, "It's not that hard. Although you're twins, it seems your abilities differ. One's Mantra was weaker than the other."

The two seemed to freeze in shock. Vierra decided to use this chance to strike them down with a single attack. She jumped into the air and sliced her katana diagonally and created the letter X.

When she landed back on the ground, the Busoshoku Haki that was exerted from her katana hit them and knocked them off the ship. Vierra sheathed her katana and went towards the river of clouds.

As Vierra was walking alongside the river, a small boat was coming her way. Vierra stared off into the distance and felt as if the figure on the ship was familiar. When the boat was finally close enough, she was able to see who it was.

"Pagaya!" Vierra called out with a smile until she saw the person behind him. "Conis too?! What are you two doing here?"

"Heso!" Papaya replied.

"Turn that damn trumpet off! It's too loud!"

Suddenly, a small figure emerged from the back. It was a small girl with a Dial in her hand and short red hair.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"We can't! If you go to the interior alone, you'll be killed! We promised we won't stay long!"

Vierra watched the two bicker once they reached the ground. She wondered who was this girl and how she had this much energy. With the clothes she was wearing, she probably had lived a harsh life.

"Who's this?" Vierra asked.

"Ah, she's Aisa and.."

Before Papaya could continue, the little girl named Aiya interrupted her.

"Stay back, you ugly Sea-"

Vierra revealed a kind smile and brushed her hair a little bit which revealed some of her feminine sides. With the wind blowing in the correct direction, it made Vierra look even prettier.

"Me?" Vierra asked with soft eyes. "I'm ugly?"

Suddenly, the little girl started to stammer in her own words which made Vierra lightly chuckle. She gently patted the girl's small head.


"It's okay, you were angry. Angry people tend to say some things they don't mean."

Vierra looked up to see Papaya's jaw dropped to the ground in amazement and Conis who's cheek was slightly red. She looked at the two in confusion since they had weird reactions.

"Is something wrong?" Vierra asked as the two shook their heads in reply. "Alright, do you guys have any type of motor I could use? My ship seems to be lost somewhere."

"Oh right, about that, I have one for you." Papaya said as he went back to the boat. Aisa was back with Conis and was talking about something she couldn't hear.

What Papaya brought back out was a Waver.

"I made this for you, an exceptional Waver. The power in this one is far greater than normal, so please be careful with it." Papaya said.

"I'll be fine, you don't need to worry about me." Vierra said with a grin. Suddenly, there was a scream causing her to turn around.

Vierra immediately rushed over to Aisa who was on the floor with tears dripping from her eyes.

"Aisa! What's wrong?!"

"The voices...the voices are disappearing."

Vierra widened her eyes in realization and looked up into the sky.

"I see, there's not much time left. I have to hurry before this survival game ends."