Chapter 2: Unfamiliar place

"Princess, it's time to wake up,

Your Highness".

It's warm.. her voice is sweet and soft. I heard the sound of a woman's voice waking me up.

As I slowly opened my eyes, the room was luxurious and beautiful. A woman greeted me with a smile on her face. She was wearing a maid's uniform and smiling at me.

"Good morning, Your Highness. Did you have a good sleep?" she asked me with a happy expression. I was confused, how am I alive?

I got up and run to the nearest mirror. My hands and feet were so small, and my face, so beautiful like an angel. My eyes was so pretty like a pink rose filled with tenderness and my hair was so long, a dark purple hair, like night, it was dark and beautiful. The room was filled with the smell of flowers. "Your Highness, what's wrong? Is everything all right? Did you have a nightmare?" That was funny, she seemed worried. I never thought someone would worry about me. I'm alive again in an unfamiliar place and body. I hold my face with my two small hands and smiled. I don't know who you are, and what is this place but I will surely live and do the things that I want.

"What is this place?" I asked the maid. She was shocked and had a worried expression. "Your Highness, this is the Terri Palace, this is your room, and I am your personal maid, Yeri." She proudly speaks as if we were close.

Hold on, Terri Palace? I heard that place somewhere.

"Why did you ask, Your Highness?

" Nothing important, I was just testing you" yes to prevent getting caught, if I'm a princess in this place, I should act like one. I have loads of questions in my mind, but who am I going to ask? " His Majesty, the emperor will visit this place soon, so please be prepared at all times, Your Highness." Emperor? that's weird and why do I feel nervous? The maid prepared several lovely dresses and asked me to take a bath. I also need to freshen up myself. It was a weird feeling when she bath me, as she caress the soap on my body, with warmth. After I finish bathing, she picked up the dress with flowers and a big ribbon on the back. I'm here inside this child's body. The maid who woke me up earlier was now brushing my hair carefully. A pink and beautiful ribbon was tied above my dark purple hair. I stand up in front of the mirror once again. She is really pretty, better than my appearance from the past. Even if I had an outstanding and pretty face, it will never match this child's beauty. The sun was shining brightly through the window.

"Let's go, Your Highness". From the start, the maid and I seemed close. I don't know anything about this place and also you, so I can't trust you yet. We left the room to eat breakfast, and the maid escorted me along the way. The house was so magnificent and big, like a castle. I thought that I would see more people but there was none, except for the maid and I. All I could hear was the sound of our footsteps getting closer to the kitchen. The place was odd. Everything is odd. I wonder why I'm here alive and breathing again.