Chapter 61

The beeping of machines. That's all I could hear for ages. Then the murmurs of voices in rooms all around me got louder before the pulsing of my own heartbeat and the hoarseness of my breath joined. A clinical smell came through my nostrils. It was so sterile and inhuman and totally insufferable. I opened my eyes. At first it was fuzzy and blurry and I could only make out a bright white light above me. Slowly my vision focused and the clean white ceiling, walls, floors and sheets came into view.

All I wanted was to get out of there. To get somewhere real.

I sat up. There were tubes and wires attached to me, imprisoning me to the buzzing and beeping machines but I began ripping them out. My ears were instantly pierced by a blaring alarm and I wasn't even free yet. With little control over my body, my fingers fumbled. I felt like I was physically still asleep but my mind was screaming, trapped inside this useless body.