Chapter 3: Workin' at the bar.

"So what are you going to do now??"

"Hm!?" Rin stop eating realizing Makino is talking to her."Hmm... I'm not sure what to do for now but I'm sure I'll figure something out." Rin says to comfort Makino.

"That won't do, where will you stay, where will you sleep, this village may be peaceful but it's still dangerous for a kid to walk alone in the night! There are mountain bandits around here and pirates might suddenly come!" Makino nags to Rin in a worried tone.

"Um... OH!!" Suddenly Rin thought of an idea. "Then, Makino can I work for you??" Rin ask.

"What?" Makino says confused by what Rin says.

"I can work as a waitress at your bar and I can learn how to cook to help you with making the meals!!" Rin says as she look at Makino with a smile on her face.

"But..." Makino isn't sure what to answer Rin.

"Please... you don't have to pay me a lot, just give me a place to stay and food to eat for- lets see... 2 month or so should be okay." Rin says as she knew Shanks will come in a month and Luffy will meet Ace after he met Shanks.

"Um... fine." Makino says as she sigh."I guess it's safer for you here... there's an empty storage room at the back, it's not too dirty so you can stay there after you clean it for now. As for the job you can be the waitress and I'll teach the basics to cooking so you can help me prepare the meals." Makino says as she explain the duty given to Rin.

"YAY!!! Thank you so much Makino!!" Rin says thanking Makino for the job.

"... Your welcome." Makino says accepting Rin's gratitude.

"EH!! She's gonna work with you, Makino??"

"!!" Rin's got shock by the sudden question. When she look at the direction of the person asking, she realized she had forgotten about Luffy that is sitting besides her.

"Seems like it." Makino answer Luffy with a smile.

"Then she's my friend cause Makino is my friend!!" Luffy says with a big smile.

"NO I'M NOT!!" Rin regretted as soon as she realized what she is saying. "I-i mean... we're complete strangers so we can't be friends right away..." Rin says. Rin knew Luffy's personality is always like that and she felt guilty for screaming like that to a 7 years old kid.

"... Then if we're not strangers can we be friends??" Luffy says excitedly.

"I...I guess we can." Rin says with a slight smile.

"Okay then! I'm Luffy!" Luffy says as he held out his hand for a handshake.

"...Rin" Rin say with a slight sigh as she shake Luffy's hand. She can't help but feel like she should be patient with Luffy's behavior. She's older than Luffy in this world after all. She guess she should give up on ignoring him.