Chapter 13: Visiting the Bandits.

After sending Luffy to the bandits and meeting Ace for the first time, Rin went back to the village. When she arrives there it's already night. Rin goes inside the bar and straight to her room. She open the shop system and glide through the devil fruits the shop offers while still thinking what devil fruit should she buy.

'I should buy logia that's the safest option... but what logia should I eat... I won't eat the ones that is already eaten in the anime... ' she thinks as she glide through the shop. ' Well I don't even have the money yet so I still have time before deciding. ' Rin thinks before she closed the shop system and goes to sleep.

=Days Later=

Rin woke up and prepared some snacks to bring with her. She pack the snacks in a basket and go to Mt. Corvo. When she arrives at the bandits shack she knock on the door.

*knock* *knock*

Dadan stomps out and started yelling"WHO DARES TO COM-" but then stops and ask."oh... it's you what do you want?!?"

Rin smiles and says "I brought some food for you guys!!"

"Why would a kid bring food to bandits?" Dadan asked.

"You're taking care of Luffy so it must've been hard on you." Rin said as she smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Dadan asked still confused by what Rin said.

"Well... I don't know Luffy for a very long time but I can see he's quite the troublesome boy to take care of." said Rin.

"..." Dadan was silent at first but then cross her arms and said "You have no idea..."

Smiling because of how Dadan react Rin said "I think I do... anyway can I come in?"

Dadan look at Rin for a second and said "...sure."

"Thank you for having me." Rin said as she smile.

Rin enters the shack and meet all the bandits. She opens the basket which have sandwich in it and shares the sandwich.

'If I want to get close to Ace and Sabo I need to get close to Dadan first. Dadan isn't that bad of a person after all so I don't mind being nice to her.' Rin thought in her mind.

About half an hour later Luffy comes back with bruises all over his body.

"I'm back... Oh! Rin what are you doing here?" said Luffy.

"I thought I pay you a visit." Rin said.

"What happened to you this time?" Dogra ask.

"I... uh... I fell off the cliff..." Luffy said as he look away while awkwardly whistling.

'That's definitely a lie... Ace probably push him off a cliff.' Rin thought.

"... Nevermind. Treat the bruises and clean yourself up." said Dogra.

After he gets the injuries treated and clean himself up he went and eat some of the sandwich Rin brought.

"You really need to stop chasing after Ace." said Dadan.

Luffy ignored Dadan's advice which make Dadan a little angry.

After the sandwich finished Rin take her basket and go back to the village after saying goodbye to Dadan, the bandits and Luffy.

When she arrives at her room she started thinking. 'In three months the Bluejam Pirates gonna cause trouble. I don't want Luffy to get captured and hurt by one of the crew member. What should I do... I don't know the exact date of the incident... Ah!! If I remember right there's a devil fruit I can use in this situation!'

"System open the shop." Rin commanded. She glide through the list of devil fruit and founded the devil fruit she's looking for. "The Forest Forest Fruit / Shinrin Shinrin No Mi and it's logia." Even thought it's not shown in the anime Rin can already imagine what she could do with this power. She decided she's going to buy that devil fruit. "But it's very expensive and I don't have time to collect money... three months is not enough to collect the necessary money to buy the devil fruit... wait, there's one way I can collect the necessary money... by doing the stupid quest that I ignored in the system..." *sigh* Rin doesn't want to do the quest and usually ignored it because she originally just wanted to live her life, save Ace and maybe save some people along the way and... that's pretty much it.

"System open the quest." Rin commanded.

She glide through the easy quest to see if there's anything she can do for a lot of money. There's fish a tuna, catch a rabbit, learn to swim, jog around the island, etc. Even though it suppose to be an easy quest Rin can't do most of the quest. She's horrible at being patient when fishing, she doesn't want to hurt a rabbit, she's a hammer without even eaten a devil fruit, and jogging the entire island is tiring and time taking. She glide through to see if there's actually a quest she CAN do. That's when she found, learn to bake quest. She already knew the basics for baking in her previous world so she check the quest.

- Learn To Bake -

- Gain the skill Baking (beginners) = 10 000B

- Gain the skill Baking (basics) = 20 000B

- Gain the skill Baking (level 1) = 30 000B

- Gain the skill Baking (level 2) = 40 000B

- Gain the skill Baking (level 3) = 50 000B

- Completing all of the above = 100 000B

[ Do you accept this quest? ]

[ YES / NO ]

"Yes." Rin said immediately.

[ Quest accepted ]

"If I finish this quest I can get 250 000B. Few more quest like this and I can buy a devil fruit." said Rin. After that she went to sleep.