Chapter 28: Fast Forward...

= Days Later =

It's a stormy day and the hideout is destroyed. Once the storm stops the Rin and the boys went to Gray Terminal to find materials to fix the hideout. Luffy followed Ace and Rin went with Sabo. After collecting some woods Sabo found a telescope and remembered Luffy wanted one.

Suddenly Bluejam came said "Hey, boy! I didn't know that one of the four infamous brat was from a noble family."

Sabo kept the telescope inside his clothes and said "Bluejam! How did you know?"

"Sabo... put the woods down. We're surrounded." Rin whispered to Sabo. She slowly takes out and unfolds the Bo staff that she hid under her jacket.

Sabo slowly puts the woods down and get into fighting stance.

"Alright guys! But don't leave a mark on him." Bluejam ordered.

The pirates surrounding them starts attacking and that's when a barrel came down the garbage hill and hit one of the pirate. It broke and reveals Luffy and Ace hiding inside of the barrel. The four of them starts fighting together.


When Bluejam starts shooting, everyone hide from it. Without realizing few guys came from their back and hold them. An army came marching at them and Sabo's father appeared.

"I barely made it in time." said Sabo's father.

"Dad!" Sabo screamed in disbelief at the fact that his father hired pirates to find him.

"So they're the ones who tempted Sabo into evil." said Sabo's father in arrogance.

"So you're the one who made him suffer day after day." Rin said out of frustration.

Rin got punched in her face which causes her nose to bleed.

"Rin!" Sabo screamed.

"Give him back!" Luffy yelled.

"What do you mean "give him back" he's my son. Kids have to live as their parents say because the parents brought them into the world. How dare you three tempt Sabo to run away! You thug wannabe brats!" Yelled Sabo's father.

"Kids never asked to be brought into the world! The parents gotta take responsibility to make them happ-!!" Before Rin could finished her words, she was kicked by one of the pirate."*cough* *cough*" she cough from the pain.

"Rin! How dare you-" Ace got slammed to the dirt.

Seeing this Sabo beg his father not to hurt his friends if he followed him home. Ace and Luffy plead Sabo not to go but that didn't changed Sabo's mind. After Sabo's father and the army left, Bluejam tied Rin, Ace and Luffy up and bring them to their hideout.

Bluejam told them to work for him and Ace agreed. They were told to carry boxes and put them all around the Gray Terminal. Knowing that inside the boxes are explosive material, Rin rigged some of the boxes by putting the explosives in the system inventory and replacing it with sand that she bought from the system.

= Few Days Later =

Ace and Luffy went to meet Bluejam but Rin didn't follow them yet. She went to the place where Ace hide the pirate saving and put everything into the system inventory. After she finished moving everything she catch up with Ace and Luffy.

' I've did everything I can to help... I'll leave the rest to Dragon... '

When they arrived at Bluejam's hideout the pirates told them about burning down the garbage at Gray Terminal. Ace and Luffy was filled with rage until Bluejam asked if they are hiding treasures somewhere.